Myrmyr is the duo of Agnes Szelag and Marielle Jakobsons (aka Darwinsbitch). They create electroacoustic songs on many instruments such as violin, cello, voice, bass, gezhong, piano, and accordian. When those instruments aren't enough, they invite friends to play with them and write scores for conducted improvisations. Their scores are often conceptually or process-driven, resulting in their unique style of electroacoustic music, reminiscent of Scandinavian free folk, lullabies, dramatic film scores, and electronic improvised music. 500 copies.
"The Amber Sea" is their debut album and is the story of amber, inspired by the mythology, Baltic folklore, and geology of this magical gem. The album traces the story of how amber is created, with material from intimate lullabies and free form ballads to epic orchestral oceans. digitals