Enchanting from the off, their eponymous debut is set to become a real cult classic, crossing secret paths between pastoral psych collaging and knowingly meticulous folk composition in the flicker of a hare's whisker. Wicker Man references abound, but there's something far more wyrd at play here, an instinctively organic flow between seemingly improvised jamming and full blown choral harmonies bound to take your breath away. critical heights
Savaging Spires play improvised lullabies and outro jams with here and there a song context but mostly the vocals are with nananas and lalalas in very nice group harmonies, girls and boys in separate choirs. The instruments remain somewhat steady as instant found percussions and hand claps, acoustic guitar strums and pickings, banjos, flute and glockenspiel, here and there a cello texture. This is a staring at a nice forest and environment at a doorstep, a celebration to a time standing still place. Themes like songs are only repetitions of just one sentence. The sound of their improvisations are really nice, which is psych-folk/acid folk minded, performed by new hippies with a forest mind, but it is getting a bit long and limited for a full release doing only that outro, intro, intermezzo, and lullaby jam stuff. psychedelic folk