Spherical walking pickings of delicate sounds from instruments like harp, lyre and tampura, in semi-eastern and middle eastern and medieval chords tell a story like a 1001 night fairytale for the fairy folk, or how to become a witness to their world and nature and thus solve the spell that only works for those who don’t respect them. This interpretation I make of the music, an idea which is based upon the background story for the 1001 night fairytale collection: There's a story that there was a sultan who wanted to spend every night with a new virgin//bride only to kill her the next morning. When a clever princess was chosen, she told the sultan a half story and said she would finish it the next night, he was so curious she made it to the next morning. She repeated this during 1001 nights. By that time the sultan was cured from his rudeness and had fallen in love with her. In a Jungian interpretation one can say that fairytales were as a cure because they are full with healthy logical evolutions and describe conditions well how to grow up with logic and good human standards. In some way the mind follows the rules logically and is also no longer spoiled by disturbing circumstances. Most elves stories are about a subtle world closer to nature's perspectives, where elves are a bit suspicious of humans and sometimes threaten them. It is as if the ability of them to curse men, protects them for humans entering their world without having enough respect. I imagined it is music like that on Robin Crutchfield "Songs for Farie Folk" which are like the kind of subtle, gentle simple excursions with some variety that can prepare a human who's world has much faster, stronger, sharper, harder contrasts to get used to the calmer, sweeter world of the Faerie World.

Faerie Bread and Jam
Spell Casting
Witching and Walking
Thorny Path
buenísimo el gnomito arpista! Faerie Bread and Jam es magia pura
hola ana!, ¿qué tal las mini-vacaciones?, más que canciones son esbozos hechizados, dibujos a medio hacer. el gnomito tiene otro díscolo en esta onda 'Toadstool Soup' también de 2006, songs for... ya es complicado de encontrar, con ése aún no he conseguido dar.
por cierts, me gusta el cambio de nick :)
unas minivacaciones inolvidables. hubo de todo, Biarritz, Sanse, Hossegor, sidra, pintxos, bosques, embalses..y hasta futbolín. quién pudiera vivir sin trabajar y en unas vacaciones eternas. sólo eso :)
a ver si encuentro el otro díscolo, por cierts
quien pudiera... no hay nada como el norte, sobre todo galicia, asturias y el país vasco :)
¡Qué música tan bonita y mágica la del gnomo! De cuento de hadas.
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