Jan 17, 2010

victor herrero

victor herrero - anacoreta (bo'weavil, 2009)

Mixing folk music, flamenco and classical styles Herrero represents an inspired new voice on the solo acoustic guitar scene, and it's fitting that Bo Weavil - a label that's no stranger to the movement - should be behind the release. Due to the particular techniques of Herrero's Andalusian playing style and the hybridity/multiplicity of his musical direction. boomkat

Bo’Weavil Recordings, UK” ha publicado el nuevo álbum de Víctor Herrero "Anacoreta" en Marzo del 2009. Una colección de canciones instrumentales escritas e interpretadas por él a la guitarra española. En este nuevo proyecto Víctor combina diferentes estilos que han formado parte de toda su trayectoria, desde el mundo clásico y folclórico, a la música contemporánea, todos ellos bajo la fuerte influencia de la música tradicional andaluza. Victor Herrero

Jan 15, 2010

brothers of the occult sisterhood

The music of Brothers of the Occult Sisterhood is misunderstood. Once the name for Kyogle-based duo Michael and Kristina Donnelly, it’s now a fluid collective with Michael as its central component. This is their first release on Donnelly’s new non-CD-R label Pacific Soma. If Donnelly’s documented mode of operation still stands, then Grass Openings is a collection of clippings from long-form improvisations that channel the peculiar space in which the group improvise: normally a small village near Kyogle, NSW, called Green Pigeon. That, at least, is what this sounds like, because despite their long hiatus (nearly 12 months is a long time for the Donnellys) not much in the world of Brothers of the Occult Sisterhood has changed. Pacific Soma

After numerous CDs, CDRs, cassettes and LPs, Brothers of the Occult Sisterhood have established themselves as one of the many lights in modern improvised outsider music. Their latest offering, ‘Grass Openings’ sees them continue down this winding path of intoxicated trance derangement. Drawing heavily from psychedelic, jazz and weirdo traditions to create a unique form of mutant sound. 500 copies. Ikuisuus

aldea f.: canisanubis

Jan 4, 2010

mustafa ozkent (rare earth XXV)

In those days, outside the core of Western musical culture, an instrumental album with somehow psychedelic improvisations was never called "psychedelic", more labelled as A Go-Go, often dance rhythm related item. Acid jazzrock was more often one influence for such music. Similar try-outs were already done by groups like Gence 5, who later further developed the jazz reference (evolving to Gence 10). Psychfolk.

The best in early '70's Turkish pop is presented here, an extremely rare unbelieveably forward thinking record that has to be heard to be believed. Drums riffs, healthy solos and high end brass attacks fill this album. Not featuring any vocals or 45 releases, it achieved high club value and was constantly played on the TV and radio on its Turkish release in 1973, but like many Turkish LP's of the time most copies were destroyed or recycled. Perfect for all instrumental psychedelia collectors, this is a genuine find. Great cover as well. freak emporium

Pendiente desde
Ananda Shankar, quizá el mejor y más raro album del psych-rock del middle east que mira hacia occidente. Mustafa Özkent habitual músico de estudio grabó con su banda Orkestasi alguna gema perdida a principios de los setenta. Repleto de efectos, improvisaciones, anatolian-folk, 'Gençlik Elele' es funk-jazz turco a-go-go. La hipnosis rítmica definitiva.